Blog, Featured

You Can Never Go Home

Returned back to Birmingham City Centre (briefly) I used it to spend a melancholy afternoon letting my old home turf take me where it leads. […]

Paradise Circus

Hi, wire acts

There are eight million stories in the naked city. Danny Smith is always up for naked stories, so we sent him to the city. Turns out that […]

Paradise Circus

Deep Impact?

We last visited Digbeth’s Impact Hub as it launched a few years ago when hardly anyone knew what it was, and those that had a […]

Paradise Circus

Danny Smith: Non-essential

Something something largest unsafe reopening of a Primark in Europe. We sent Danny Smith to die for capitalism.  Her voice is mournful, an acapella lament […]


I Am A Jelly Donut

In an Irish pub at a German airport, it’s god knows in the morning. Actually, it’s close to seven, because if there’s one thing working […]

Best Of, Blog

Batman & Me

I don’t remember when I first encountered Batman, he’s always just been there; like McDonald’s or Jesus. One of those permanent features in the cultural […]