These are deep cuts, scan and screenshots of articles ranging from over fifteen years ago. I’ve long since lost the text files so these PDFs are all that remain. They’re here for storage really, if you can make them out by all means read them, if not, you’re not missing much. Some of the stuff I did for Area and Fused appears elsewhere on this site.

Area Magazine






AREA – Tattoo

Area – Love

Area – Gin

Area – After Work Pint

Area – Remember

Fused Magazine






Fused – Sick

Fused – Tribes

Fused – Body Language

Birmingham It’s Not Shit






Winterval Starts Here

Up Bournville Boulevard

Tufty Shit

Take That legal system

Tag Nuts

Surge Domine et dissipentur inimici tui et fugiant qui oderunt te a facie tua

Skinner In The Underworld

Sabres of Paradise

On The Buses

On Holiday By Mistake

Is Mr Egg Beaten

Grit and Wisdom

Glam Racket

Blues and Me

Big City Culture

Backstabbers Guide to Wolverhampton

A Christmas Carol

Prospects Magazine






Prospects Article

job blog one

job blog two

job blog three

job blog four

job blog five

job blog six